If every little girl is a princess what will happen to the world when all of the princesses grow up and don't know how to be anything except a princess?
Will the adult world of reality be a place where all these princesses can function? Or will the grown up little girls be looking for Prince Charming and waiting to be taken care of and admired?
How many times does a young girl hear, "You are so pretty," "You are a princess," "You are just beautiful," and "Some day your prince will come?"
Girls are not being nurtured to be independent, high-achieving, self-motivated, intelligent, or inquisitive women when the princess myth is perpetuated.
Well, on the other hand, the princess in our family is truly adorable.
Hopefully we can teach her to be her own person and reach for the stars while still enjoying her princess status in all of our hearts.
Okay, okay, I am getting off of my high horse right now.
You are right the "Princess" culture is definitely part of today's society. Although, I think our princess has a better chance than most to become independent and self-sufficient. She certainly doesn't sit on the sidelines and watch life pass her by.