Last week I experienced the moment....
....the moment when I knew that Spring was actually here.
Oh, there had been other moments here in the Midwest that indicated that spring was just around the corner. The piles of snow had all melted. Warmer days appeared here and there. Buds on the trees were coming awake after their long winter sleep. The first robin of the season hopped out from nowhere and was quickly followed by many brothers and sisters. Easter candy was piled high on the shelves at every store. Summer sportswear had made its way to department store racks. Even the straw colored grass on my lawn showed just a hint of green.
Daylight Savings time had transformed the evenings in Illinois. The calendar showed that spring had officially arrived.
So many signs of spring abounded, and indeed made me happy and hopeful. However pulling into my driveway on that day, in a moment's time, I knew that spring was actually here.
If you asked me how I knew, I couldn't tell you, but I knew in my heart that the renewal of nature, along with renewal in my soul had arrived.
A broad smile came to my face.
Perhaps experiencing life's peaks and valleys over many years I have found that no matter how difficult the winter can be, it will eventually melt into spring. The pain and anger, the frustration and heartache, the disappointment and hopelessness of life's winters will always be followed by a spring. We can be certain that there will be a time of love and hope, joy and happiness, forgiveness and peace that suddenly, or gradually, springs into our lives and we know that we can go on.
I hope that spring has returned in your neighborhood and in your heart. I hope you treasure it.
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