...a pile of sheets and blankets waiting to be washed.
A rather huge pile of laundry is sitting in front of my washer and dryer.
Why in the world you ask would I write about a pile of dirty sheets?
The significance of the colorful pile is found in the fact that it reminds me that my family was here. All of the beds, which are usually empty, were filled for a few days. Even a small crib was used for the first time on this recent visit.
The children I raised were all home, together, under one roof. Along with these four were a son-in-law, two grandchildren, two brothers, a sister-in-law, a great grandma and one special auntie. No, I do not have beds for all of these special people, but all were gathered in under our roof....along with me and Mr. Jorie for a few days in June.
Father's Day, a birthday, reunion meals, trips to the airport and rocking a new baby were just some of the highlights.
Stories were shared, times were remembered, photos were taken, jokes were told and opinions were voiced....
....and while fixing the meals and setting the table, I prayed. While sweeping the deck and watering the flowers, I prayed. While listening to each adult child express themself, I prayed. While playing with a four-year-old and singing lullabies to a tiny boy, I prayed. When lying down, exhausted each night, I prayed. When rising each morning, I prayed.
....and you ask....what was the prayer I prayed?
Dear Heavenly Father,
Through Christ,
Above all else...
the words, the differences, the hugs, the beliefs, the listening, the concerns, the smiles, the anger, the independence, the joy, the defending, the giving and the taking, the coming together and the going away
...may love reign.
As I complete load after load of laundry, and smell the clean sheets and shake them as I pull them out of the dryer, I look ahead to the time that the beds will be filled again. All is fresh and new.
I will continue my "mother's prayer" knowing in faith that it will always be answered.
Oh yes, I know for sure that it will be.
For you see, I serve a God of love who never fails
Can I bring my sheets over? Thanks mom for always praying for us. It's always been reassuring to know that you're doing that. It has worked in the past, and I'm sure it will this time.