I remember the first time someone called me Mom. I was in the pediatrician's office with my one-month-old son, and one of the nurses called
me "Adam's Mom." I suddenly realized that yes, I was indeed someone's mom. I remember the moment and have cherished the thought ever since, just as I have cherished every minute of being someone's mom.
Blessed exceedingly to have four someone's use the title when referring to me, I continue to hold dear the concept even now as they are all adults. As long as I live, I will be their mom. What a high calling! What an amazing responsibility.
Even before the nurse called me Adam's mom, a friend in church, upon seeing my newborn, remarked, "Do you realize that you have just committed yourself for the next eighteen years?" Oh, she was so wrong. I lovingly and deliberately committed myself for a lifetime.
I have often said that a picture is worth a thousand words and the two above tell it all when it comes to showing my delight and satisfaction in holding my children forever, and the sheer contentment that fills me when I am with them.
When I hear the words, "Mommy" or "Mom" I immediately perk up and listen. One of my four someones needs my attention. The thirty-three year old someone, and all of his sisters need me each in their own way--and I love being needed.
Meeting their needs is sometimes so much fun, but sometimes it is challenging. I praise God for the good times and seek His guidance in the difficult time, however I never stop trying to be everything my children need.
There is such joy in this job of being a mom...
...and now I am blessed to be called another name...
...and that is "Grandma"...
...although my little Elli girl has descriptively made the name even more special when, from a very early age, she has called me "Own Gwamma."
I am blessed, oh, yes, I am blessed.
I love all your posts. Elli has a special name for you because you're her only grandma. She realizes how special that is. Thanks for being the best mom and grandma.