Nearly two years ago Hubby and I visited England for the first time. As we traveled about London we often saw the phrase, "Keep Calm and Carry On". This phrase, coined during WWII, has now become a great slogan to be placed on British souvenirs. Shortly following my return from Europe, my good friend gave me the above pictured cup. It was in pristine condition when I received it even though it had been purchased by her at a garage sale. I have used it for my morning coffee ever since. Each day it reminds me of my friend Linda, my trip to London and Paris and most importantly it reminds me to keep calm and carry on.
As you may note from the photo, the cup is no longer pristine. In my mind, the fact that it serves me coffee and motivation each day in it's current state only enhances the message. Perhaps now that the cup is battle scarred, it's true worth becomes known. I could easily replace this cup and dump it in the trash but I dearly love it and will continue to use it until it falls apart completely and can no longer hold my coffee. For you see, now it is more than a cup, it is a symbol.
The red cup each morning helps to set me on a good path for the day. It motivates me by the gentle reminder that serenity wins every time over chaos or agitation.
Currently we are in the midst of having our entire house painted and new flooring put in to replace the worn floor coverings we have used for many years. Several contractors are coming in and out of our front door day in and day out. All of our belongings are packed up. Nothing in the house is where it should be. And of course things are dirty and messy. This all is a true test for Hubby and me who crave order in our everyday lives. Each morning though, throughout these messy weeks, I have my red cup to remind me to choose joy, to keep on going, to be persistent in finding the good in each circumstance. And in this case, I can look ahead to the beauty I will be able to enjoy for many years. Out of this chaos comes order, beauty and satisfaction.
Of course the chaos I may feel over home renovations is nothing compared to the chaos of more difficult times. Times when health issues rear their ugly heads.... Times when relationships are out of whack.... Times when loss and change seem unbearable....these are the times when learning to choose to keep calm and carry can actually change one for the better. And as I have seen, in many cases, good does triumph often as we learn to yield to the character building that those hard times force us into.
For me the slogan on the cracked red cup is a reminder of a truth I learned very early in life. It's roots for me are in the Bible and in my Christian upbringing. I learned how to keep calm and carry on long ago when I learned about Jesus. And now, in the mature version of myself, perhaps I grab on to things like this silly cup because I need reminders that center me and motivate me to be the person I was always meant to be. I yearn to know that I am still able to choose hope, even when times are their darkest.
Thanks Linda for the red cup. Let's both keep on going each day remembering the message of hope and encouragement it brings.
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