I suppose with all this time I have had recently to contemplate life, God has opened my heart to new understandings. I realized the moment that my hip failed, the devastation it would bring to all who loved me...and in that instant, it became even clearer to me what a great gift love is.
When we love, we give our all, and usually with no thought of the cost. When actually we are opening ourselves to possible pain because love entails caring so deeply, that we would put ourself in the place of the other person if possible in order for them not to feel the hurt--the pain. Of course, in giving love, we also open ourselves to the greatest intrinsic gift life can bring, and so we love without counting the costs.
With this deepening understanding, I have been basking in love these days as so many people have shown they cared. What an awesome privilege to be that person who receives the love displayed in a get well card, a drawing from a child, chocolate-covered strawberries from a dear friend, rides to therapy from another friend, phone call after phone call asking "How are you doing", a hug from my Elli girl, prayers, family all around, balloons, help with bathing, facebook comments, meals to eat--well, you see, the list of love being poured out these days has been amazing...and I am truly humbled by it all.
I ask myself then, why have I been chosen for such a high calling? What have I ever done to deserve the love I feel being poured out from every person I know? I suppose only God has the answers to such deep questions. I suppose also, that He wants me to do something with the love that I have received.
And so, I send it back to each one of you, and will also continue to pass on the love you have so freely given. I guess that's what life is all about--being honored and uplifted when receiving love and then finding those moments to give love away.
I am indeed privileged to have each of you in my life. Thanks!