When the newborn happens to be my grandchild, the love immediately flows between us. And this was the case when I met my fifth grandchild, Michael. In total joy, I gazed at him and marveled at the perfection. Having traveled some 7000 miles to see him, I thanked God for this beautiful gift of life...and for another addition to our family.
During the normal process of development, somewhere in the second to third months of life, Michael began to say, "agoo." Now, I know that every baby, everywhere in the world says agoo, but what made this sound so special to me was the delight it elicited in his parents.
Michael's parents were indeed happy and proud to tell me how he could make the sound with different intonations. Indeed, during his recent visits, he said the word often and we all laughed, mimicked the sound and cheered him on with his communications skills.
I was taken back to 1976 when I was a first-time mother. I remember the pure joy of each day I felt with my child (Michael's daddy). Every detail, every feature of this little creature was the focus of my entire waking time. The shape of his mouth, eyes and ears were detailed in my mind as I stared and stared at this little person in my arms. I was fascinated too with his early language--agoos with many different tones. Although tired and sleep-deprived, I was convinced that my child was truly the most amazing thing in the world.
There is such a freshness in parenthood with the first child! I enjoyed immensely watching Michael's parents enjoy him, just as I happily reflected on my memories of being a young parent.
The memories of my children saying agoo brought a smile to my face as little Michael visited us and frequently "talked" to us. It made me remember how special that little sound is.
Yes, I think Michael is just perfect. I understand him well. His agoo means:
I love you.
Thank you for taking care of me.
Thanks for being patient with me.
Thanks for loving me unconditionally.
Thank you for feeding me, wiping my face, laying me down, picking me up, changing my clothes, putting my hat on, taking my hat off, changing my diaper, bathing me, keeping me warm, keeping me cool, singing me songs, and so much more.
Yes, I will miss Michael's language now that he has gone back home, but I think I will forever remember the great discussions we had in the very early months of his life.
Mister Michael, Grandma promises to listen to you always...whether you speak in words or not. I love you!
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