Oh the good times...what fun! The people in my life are so precious to me. There is no other way to express how I feel about each of them. I love the times that several of us gather together and I also love the one on one times as well. Friends, and of course, my dear family, are the reason my life is so rich. I love with all of my heart and I am blessed that God continues to fill my days with people who love being with me. Smiles and tears, hopes and fears when shared with someone who care, are indeed priceless.
Five years ago I didn't know any of the people in the photo above, other than Hubby of course. I thought my family and long time friends, some reaching back to childhood, completely filled my heart. How then, do I find room for all the people I now know in Florida? How is it that so many new people can fit into my heart? It is just quite amazing wouldn't you say?
As wonderful as relationships can be, now today the time has come to say good-bye. Hugs have been shared. Time and distance will separate us as Hubby and I head to the airport and transportation to all the good times waiting in our northern home.
Saying goodbye is oftentimes bittersweet. I plan to see all of these dear folks again as I travel back and forth. So why then is it so difficult to say good-bye? I suppose the answer may be two-fold. Not seeing dear ones day by day causes a definite loss even though phones and computers help keep us connected. Secondly, I know that it reminds me that the time will come when I say good-bye to someone for the final time. As I have learned, living in a senior community, this may indeed happen and happen unexpectedly.
I suppose saying good-bye to Virginia just last week makes me think twice as I say my farewells today. Do you think she knew when she left the card table that night that she would never see me again? Do you think her gentle sweet spirit connected with mine for just a moment as she placed her hand on my cheek and gave me an endearing look when she said good-night?
I have lost eight of my Florida friends in the past five years and so when I leave my good-bye always says so much more than just so long...It says...
...I hope I will see you again.
...I always smile when I think of you.
...You are important to me.
...My life has more meaning because of you.
...Please take good care of yourself.
...I will never forget you.
...Thank you for being you.
...You are in my prayers.
...I love you.
I am heading home to hellos and hugs and kisses from my family and especially from these little girls. I am grateful for my two-part life. It is indeed rich! I am blessed to have my two worlds and as long as I have so many people to love I am going to keep on loving when we are together and when we are apart. And some day when we say that ultimate good-bye the joy we shared will far outweigh the pain of loss we must experience.
Good-bye, until we meet again.
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